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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

General information about the owner of

XarmaHotels, a company with registered office at Barrio Olagorta, 6 – 48287 EA, (hereinafter, XARMA) is the owner of this Website located in the domain

Access, navigation and use of this Website are free of charge, provided that the User complies with the terms of this Legal Notice, current legislation, good customs and generally accepted behaviour on the Internet. By accessing the Website or any of the pages that can be accessed through it, the user expressly declares that he/she has read, understands and accepts this “Legal Notice”. If you do not accept the terms and conditions presented below, please refrain from using the Website. The Company reserves the right to restrict access to the Website to those users who do not respect them.

General terms and conditions of use

Access to this website confers on you the condition of “User”, implying your express and unreserved acceptance of the general conditions published on, at the time you access the website. Therefore, the User must read these general conditions of use each time he or she intends to access and, where appropriate, use the services provided through this website, as they may be modified.

In this sense, “User” shall be understood to mean the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities, free or onerous, developed at

Purpose and scope

The present general conditions of use, regulate the access, navigation and use of as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents such as texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property.

XARMA may establish particular conditions that will be applicable to the use and/or contracting of specific services, the present general conditions being of supplementary application.

Conditions for access and use of services

Access to is free of charge. However, some of the services and contents may be subject to the previous hiring of the service or product, being applicable in these cases, the particular conditions created for this purpose that XARMA will make available before the hiring.

Minors who intend to make use of the services contained in this website must have the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who are solely responsible for the acts carried out by the minors in their care.

At all times, the User must make lawful use of the services of this website, in accordance with these general conditions, current legislation, morality and public order, as well as generally accepted practices on the Internet.

The User guarantees that all the information provided through the subscription forms included on this website is legal, real, exact, true and up-to-date. The User will be exclusively responsible for immediately notifying XARMA of any modification that may occur in the information provided.

The User will abstain from: introducing viruses, programs, macros or any sequence of characters with the aim of damaging or altering the computer systems of this website; hindering the access of other users by means of the massive consumption of resources; capturing data included in this website for advertising purposes; reproducing, copying, distributing, transforming or making available to third parties the contents included in this website; carrying out actions through the services included in this website that may damage the intellectual property, industrial secrets, contractual commitments, rights to honour, image and personal privacy of third parties; carrying out actions of unfair competition and illicit advertising.

In the event that the User should proceed to register as a client, he will be responsible for providing truthful and legal information. If, as a result of registration, the User is given a password, he or she undertakes to make diligent use of it and to keep the password for access to these services secret. Consequently, Users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords provided to them and undertake not to cede their use to third parties, either temporarily or permanently, nor to allow access to them to third parties. The User shall be responsible for the unlawful use of the services by any illegitimate third party who uses a password for this purpose because of non-diligent use or loss of the same by the User. In the event of theft, loss or unauthorised access to their passwords, the User will be responsible for immediately notifying XARMA in order to proceed with their cancellation. Under no circumstances will XARMA be responsible for actions carried out by unauthorised third parties until the aforementioned notification has been made by the User.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

XARMA is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights of all the elements that make up, including its own brands, commercial names and distinctive signs. In particular and without limitation, the following are protected by copyright: graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, sounds and other elements contained in the website.

Under no circumstances does access or browsing in imply the renunciation, transmission or total or partial licence by XARMA for personal use by the User of its intellectual and industrial property rights.

Therefore, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, copying, distribution, commercialisation, transformation, reuse, public communication and, in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of, without the express written authorisation of XARMA, constitutes an infringement of its intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

All information that is not considered personal data voluntarily transmitted to via the Internet (including any observations, suggestions, ideas, graphics, etc.) will become the exclusive property of XARMA, which will have unlimited rights of use, without any compensation in its favour, or in favour of any other person.

Responsibilities and guarantees
XARMA does not guarantee the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity or accuracy of the services or information included in, and therefore excludes any direct or indirect responsibility for damages of any kind deriving from the defrauding of the usefulness or expectations that the User has placed in the same.

XARMA declares that it has adopted the technical and organisational measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow the correct operation of the website, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, it cannot be held responsible for: (a) the continuity and availability of the contents and services included in; (b) the absence of errors in said contents or the correction of any defect that may occur; (c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components in; (d) the impregnability of the security measures that have been adopted; (e) the damages or harm caused by any person who violates the security systems of

The User shall be solely responsible before third parties, for any communication sent personally or in his name to, as well as for the illegitimate use of the contents and services contained in this web site.

XARMA reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations. Whenever circumstances permit, XARMA will publish a notice on its website, with sufficient notice, indicating the date foreseen for the suspension of services.

The links to other web pages that may exist in may lead to web sites for which XARMA assumes no responsibility, as it has no control over them, their purpose being to inform the User of other sources of information, and therefore the User accesses the content under his or her own responsibility and in accordance with the conditions of use governing the same.


Xarma Hotels

From Gorbeia Natural Park to Urdaibai, the most charming accommodations in the Basque Country are waiting for you at Xarma Hotels.

PHONE: (+34) 629 080 087

Barrio Olagorta, 6
48287   EA  –  BIZKAIA

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